Saturday, September 22, 2012

This is like running a small newspaper. Aunt Esther would be proud. Glad you are all enjoying the pictures. Today we visited the Corvallis Fair.
Then we went to Blodgett, Oregon with Brayden. I had a ball. What a fun thing to see.
I also found some other information on The Blodgett Cemetary there.
A lot of history and just fun.
from local papers.
 Enjoy today's pictures
 This was a painting in the store.
 This was the Harris covered bridge...
 Ruby could do this.
 Are we there yet?
 At the fair
 Hmm? no Packers banners.
 All for a good cause.

 I told Jeremy to look cool. He did it.
 Let's paint some tattoos on.
 She did a very special Indian dance.
 Such cute kids

 Just love it!

 Unc, Gramps and Brayden
 A real walk in cooler. It was really cold in there.
 Was fun to be here.
 The facilities
 I'll be right out

 Moss covered
 Fun signs
Fun Kid
 Total community to worship
and learn.


  1. I am having such fun traveling with Jovial Johnny and George. Now the Oregon Blodgetts have gotten to meet their Great Uncle John. Look for waterfalls pictures next

  2. George here... I am so glad my talented brother has decided to create this log... a pictoral diary of our travels. Well done Bro! Love the stuff about the Pioneering Blodgett Family in Oregon and Montana
