I am posting this today and thinking of this amazing country we live in. As we consider events of this world today, I like to go back to where we started as a nation, some of the trials we have suffered through.
Especially regarding our ideals and what was aspired to.
I wish that we could return to the dignity and integrity that seems to me to be lacking in this world today. I have stated everywhere I can proclaim it, that I believe in God. In saying that, let it be said that I really believe in God. I believe that the bible is the inspired word of God. I believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I have experienced in my seventy years, a great renewal in the church and worship. I have witnessed things that were only dreamed of in past generations. I have seen miracles and heard God's voice. He said "In the last days, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh", and I have seen this and experienced it. If we open our eyes we all can witness the changes that are taking place around us. The signs in the heavens and the earth. The earthquakes, the wars and rumors of wars, signs in the heavens with meteorites falling from the sky. Especially, we are witnessing the falling away of the believers. Those who say they believe in God but don't accept all that is brought to us in God's holy word. Christ said, "when you see these things come to pass. Look up, your redemption draws near. The kingdom of God is at hand.
I pray that anyone who reads this will consider carefully where you stand with God and that you might ask him to reveal himself to you and give you understanding of the events that we are witnessing today.
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