Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving. 

I have so much to thank God for this year. I believe that the greatest gift we have to give thanks for, is the giving of thanks. Because in praising God and keeping a right thought and a melody in our hearts we can get through the hard places in this life. His spirit fills me and his love overwhelms me. There have been times when I was hurting so bad, I felt so week and I really didn't feel like praising God but I was strengthened by encouraging words and ongoing prayers. And even in the midst of my own pain, I was reminded of others in my own life with similar and worse sufferings. Hebrews 13:15 let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. This is a continual strengthener and being pleased to sing to myself choruses and hymns that mean so much..Songs like "I am not Worthy", "He Lives", "How great Thou art", "Great is thy faithfulness". I have a list of song titles on my phone when I need to remind myself. What a friend, One day at a time, He touched me, I could go on and on. How precious and wonderful is his love for us.
I never want to lose sight of all the blessings and wonders that he has so filled my life with. So Happy Thanksgiving and Thank God for all of you, my family and my friends.

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