The years from the beginning
Interesting things that are streaming through our minds as we greet the new day.
This morning I am still thinking about being able to chronologically organize the years and events from the time of Adam and Eve to today and to come to some understanding of what was happening and at what time period it was happening. There is much information on the subject. Often you have to wade through a sea of things that don't answer the specific questions that you need answered. No one can pinpoint any absolutes concerning these important events but it is important to me to have a general outline so that I might be able to put things into a right context and a time and place when I want to think about or explain biblical history or important people and events.
I found this website to be helpful.
It offers a lot more information than I was looking for but I am able to glean the information I want from it's pages. BC meaning before Christ. BC and AD a whole nother study.
Before 4000 BC - The time that we look at concerning creation, the Garden of Eden and creation of Man. Whether you believe literally or not, the dates and times apply.
Before 2500 BC - The flood took place. Noah and family the only survivors. This happened about 1658 years from Adam.
Between 2100 and 2500 BC - Somewhere in this period is the time of Job.
Before 2100 BC It was around this time Nimrod and the tower of Babel are written of.
After this time, we begin to have a little better understanding of the times and people. This would also be a time frame from about 2000 BC to Ishmael and that would connect to Islam.
2091 BC - God sent Abram, who God later named Abraham, to Egypt.
After this we go through the descendants of Abraham..Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob, Joseph.
After Joseph the years when the people over a period of about 450 years and the Exodus.
1446 BC - The Exodus. Moses leads the people of Israel out of Egypt into the wilderness.
(I should note that Israel is the name that God gave to Jacob, so when we speak of Israel here, we speak of the descendants of Jacob)
1445 BC - During this time God gave the laws to Moses to give to the people. The Tabernacle was set up as God gave the design to Moses.
1406 BC - This is a major date.. I remember because of the "Song of Moses" Deuteronomy 33
I will sing unto the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously, the horse and the rider thrown into the sea. I love to sing it.
At this time Joshua fit the battle of Jericho. Moses died and did not cross into the promised land.
1405 BC - The sun stands still. Joshua 10
For the next 400 years or so Israel was governed by priests, (The Livite's) judges and prophets, (Samson was one of these judges)
1043 BC - The people desired a king instead of the judges. Samuel the prophet was a judge, priest and prophet. The first king was anointed...(King Saul)
1024 BC - David is anointed to be king after Saul's disobedience. It was about this time that David slew Goliath.
993 BC- David and Bathsheba. 2 Samuel 11
967 BC - Salomon becomes king.
605 BC -The time of Daniel and the Hebrew children
586 BC- The fall of Jerusalem and Jeremiah's prophecy against Babylon. 585 BC Ezekiel explains Jerusalem's fall. The time of Daniel and the Hebrew children After this time, so much of what I find so interesting including the book of Esther around 478 BC,
432 BC- Nehemiah restores the laws after a period of good kings and bad kings. Nehemiah 13
430 BC - The book of Malachi 1 - 4
After this there was silence from Heaven until the year 1.
6 BC - Birth of John the Baptist.
5 BC - Birth of Jesus at Bethlehem.
All of this to put into perspective the years and time between.
1,658 years from Adam to the flood..
Then about 1,050 years from the flood to Moses and the exodus.
Then about 1,440 years from the exodus to the birth of Christ.
Then 2009 years from the birth of Jesus to today.
After this there was silence from Heaven until the year 1.
6 BC - Birth of John the Baptist.
5 BC - Birth of Jesus at Bethlehem.
All of this to put into perspective the years and time between.
1,658 years from Adam to the flood..
Then about 1,050 years from the flood to Moses and the exodus.
Then about 1,440 years from the exodus to the birth of Christ.
Then 2009 years from the birth of Jesus to today.
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