Monday, September 28, 2015


I had planned to publish something else but felt a gospel song would be more fitting for me right now. A recent post attributed to Pope Francis said “It is not necessary to believe in God to be a good person."  Jesus said to the young man who called him "Good Master", "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone". The erroneous quote went on to say "In a way, the traditional notion of God is outdated." The whole thing was a very worldly statement. There is no expiration date on God. Though life on earth changes and cultures change over time, our God is unchanging. Heaven and earth will pass away but his word will never pass away. Jesus Christ is Lord yesterday today and forever. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Generally people will believe what they want to. I am not Catholic but have enough respect for the Pope to believe that he thinks it's necessary to believe in God and that the notion of God is definitely not outdated.

 Will your house be empty 

©1994 John Blodgett
John Blodgett Music Co.

Will your house be empty, after his coming,
Will there be a soul left that hasn't been saved.
In a twinkling we're taken to be with our savior,
Is your house in order, are any enslaved?

Will your house be empty, will there be a soul,
Who's held by the chains of the seeds he has sowed.
To save them before time, let that be our goal.
Let their name be added to the heavenly role.

The chains of destruction are of our own making,
New links have been added each time we have strayed,
His word is before us, there's no time for waiting.
The time for his coming will not be delayed.

The kingdom is coming, Jesus is calling,
Give your life over to the master today,
Your sins are forgiven, it's yours for the asking,
All things are given to him that would pray.


Don't wait any longer, break loose from the bondage,
He's lifting you up in his glorious name.
His love is unending, his angels he's sending,
Those who won't harken, will die in their shame.


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