Friday, November 6, 2015

The seasons come the seasons go.

A good friend made this fall wreath for me. I like how it goes with what's left of the summer flowers. 

Autumn has arrived and I am reminded of a song Johnny Cash sang on an old album "Now There Was A Song". The song was "The Seasons Of My Heart". Sometimes I have to think about what influenced the songs I have written and Johnny Cash is at the top of a list that includes writers like Merle Haggard, Gene Autrey, Chuck Berry, George Jones, Doc Watson and a host of others dating from way back and into the seventies and eighties. Today's music doesn't work well for me except for an occasional throwback sound. I enjoy basic. A simple and pretty melody and a good lyric. I am turned off by a lot of noise and driven arpeggio guitar or keyboard. Sometimes it just sounds like someone practicing. Then you have someone like B. B. King, who played pretty much one note at a time.

I have a few songs that I hope to put on here before the end of the year.
Here are some titles that are on my mind.

DON'T YOU WANT TO BE MY BABY                                       
COME BACK TO DADDY                                                            
DON'T BE WAITING FOR ME                                        
DOWN BELOW                                                                              
E.T. AND GRAPEFRUIT                                                               
WHAT AM I GONNA DO                                                             
YOU'VE GOT ME DREAMIN                                                      
I REMEMBER YOU                                                                       
YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS                                                  
HOLD ON THERE WOMAN                                                        
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME                                                    
DON'T BE WAITING FOR ME                                                    
FORE I DIE                                                                                     
LOOK UP,  THY REDEMPTION DRAWETH NYE                              
LEAD THEM HOME                                                                     
VICTORIA JANE                                                              

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