Friday, August 31, 2012

I realize that not many are aware of this blog and I think that is probably just as well. The reason I say that is because I want to have a place where I can vent. Some of my views may be unpopular with some of my liberal friends.

This morning I am thinking about another shooting in New Jersey. Two killed and then the man shoots himself. Then I think about a hope and change promise that never came to fruition. So now you have people losing hope and the change that comes is that they go over the edge. I really would hope that folks could pay attention to what's going on and in an age where all the information in the world is at our fingertips they could search out answers. Not taking someone else s word for it but discover the truth themselves.

So many people are disillusioned and frustrated to the point of acting out in some totally radical and ridiculous ways.

Our president refuses to work with anyone who doesn't do it his way. If you don't want to do things his way it seems he just shuts you down. No compromise, no discussion. We are three years without a budget. That is unprecedented. When the people want to blame congress they forget that congress consists of the House and the Senate. The House has sent numerous bills to the Senate and the Senate just sits on it. It's up to them to look at it, work on it and send a proposal back to the House of Representatives.

I mean $16,000,000,000,000.00? You actually have to stop and count the zeros to be sure you have it right. No budget.....No plan for how we will pay this back. The only way to fund programs in place is to borrow more and tax more. That is just a load of crap. It is hard to fathom that close to half of the U.S. population is just too busy or preoccupied or stupid to stop and think it over. To check the facts. A herd of lemmings comes to mind. It gets frustrating.

It is a sad state of affairs when people are more apt to trust a late night comedian than the people who have put everything they have on the line to try make America a better place.

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