Saturday, August 25, 2012

If a fellow were to say "Work with me on this." Wouldn't you think that he meant he wanted to sit down, discuss it and come to an agreement. I don't believe this to be true. I think that normally when someone says "work with me on this", what he really means is just do it my way.

I think there are some words that should not be used when there is a simpler word that could cover what we want to say....Words like hyperbole and exacerbation.

I do believe this country is headed down a wrong path. I am going to be going on a long road trip with my brother. He is left and I am right, politically speaking. We are going to have to avoid talking politics or religion as he is also an atheist. I am unable to talk about one without the other. I am a center right, Christian conservative republican. There is no way for me to separate my christian viewpoint from my political point of view. Most of my political opinions are based on christian concepts and beliefs. I believe that most of the left wing thoughts and ideas are secular in their agenda. They would really like to take God out of everything concerning government. I don't believe that our founders and forefathers had that in mind when framing our constitution or governing this great nation. If we continue on the path that we are on, we will lose our strength over time. I truly believe that our strength comes from our resolve to hold to those truths spoken of by Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson.

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