Friday, December 16, 2011

Don't like Windows 7

Windows 7 is not working for me as well as XP. I didn't like Vista either. Didn't realize how much I didn't like 7 until my main machine's power supply quit on me last week. It was just so much more comfortable and user friendly. I run windows 7 on two machines and XP on three others. Why so many you ask? I just enjoy building and repairing computers, I reply. Anyway, I have a new power supply coming and hope it fixes the problem. That, however is only temporary as I know that Microsoft will be lifting support for XP one of these days. Guess I am crossing that bridge now whether I want to or not. 
Oh Well! Things Change, S--t happens there is nothing you can do about it. O-F-P-S! (Oh for Pete's Sake).

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cars I remember from the 1950s

American cars of the 1950s. I was 8 to 18 years old in the 50s and remember these cars.. each one normally had three models so you had a basic model, upgraded and luxury. two door, four door, convertible and station wagon. Cars with the center post between front and back were sedans and those with no center post were called hard-tops. In the mid 50s we saw the Corvette and Thunderbird. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Free Will

The Lord gave us free will, but our government doesn't trust us with it. Truthfully, I believe it's a way for our leaders to find employment for family and friends. Establishing agencies and commissions to regulate our safety and well being. They don't think we are intelligent enough to look after ourselves. Interesting that it is mandatory that we wear seat belts but my motorcycle doesn't have one or an air bag either, although there are some large bikes equipped with them.
It's a government of the people, by the people and for the people who work for the government.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

If we had the chance to do it again.

Thinking tonight about the past, mistakes I've made and opportunities I had missed. Wondering, would I go back, would I change anything or would I pretty much be the same person that I was then. Time for introspection! I slid through so many things I could have done so much better. I am afraid that I would probably be the same naive and kind of stupid kid I was then all over again. But what the heck. It ain't over yet is it?

Monday, November 28, 2011

New Orleans and Merritt Island

This is an opportunity

I'm thinking that this could be an opportunity to get a few things off my chest. A good way to vent, as it were. At this point, no one sees this but me. However, if someone picks up on this then it could spread and the things I say and the way I am feeling would be out there. Therefore, I will probably not be completely truthful and that kind of defeats the purpose. 
I would really like to blow off steam but I know if I do it will come back and burn me someday. Someone is sure to see it and tell those who I don't want to know that they really just drive me nuts. Then what? Nuts! So what good is this?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ever wonder why we always seem to be looking for something different?

I personally am constantly searching for some new challenge or project. It seems I always have a lot of things to do but I will more likely search for some challenge that is more mental than physical. That seems to be the norm as I get older. When I was younger, I sought out the physical challenges.