Sunday, October 12, 2014

Praise God, I am still here.

                            Praise God, I am still here. 

It has been a long time since I have posted anything on here.  As many of you know, I suffered a severe heart attack in June of 2013. I have been working hard to come back from that. The medications that I take keeps my heart rate and blood pressure low and that and a damaged heart make it difficult to jump into things the way I use to. I don't have the same energy level.
I would like to tell you that I am working to stay very close to the Lord these days. It has made it more than possible to get through this. I have been blessed with a beautiful and loving family they have been such a great and wonderful support for me. Also friends from church and good neighbors. A lot of prayers have gone up for me and from me. I have prayed that as close as I feel to Jesus today will not change. It is good to feel him near.
Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me.  
I know that there is a purpose for my still being around and I want to be ready to serve him in any way I can. We never really know how what we say or do effects people, or how our witness touches lives. I may never know, but I have to say that God is good and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.
Two new stents in late September are helping me regain some strength and have renewed an optimistic attitude. I pray this will continue and increase in the future.
My thinking this morning is that I will be able to share some insights and thoughts that might help others to see hope and healing through these words and this blog.